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173. E. Hüger, D. Uxa, H. Schmidt,  Lithium Tracer Diffusion in LixCoO2 and LixNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (x = 1, 0.9, 0.65) Sintered Bulk Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Batteries 11 (2025) 40.

172. C. Kofahl, J. Uhlendorf, B.A. Muscutt, M.N. Piontek, S. Sanna, H. Fritze, S. Ganschow, H. Schmidt,  Oxygen Diffusion in Li(Nb,Ta)O3 Single Crystals, Physica Status Solidi A 222 (2025) 2300959.

171. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Li Chemical and Tracer Diffusivities in LiCoO2 Sintered Pellets, Batteries 10 (2024) 446.

170. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Lithium tracer diffusion in ion-beam sputtered nano-crystalline and amorphous LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 films, Solid State Ionics  417 (2024), 116702.

169. E. Hüger, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Self-Diffusion of Ge in Amorphous GexSi1−x Films Studied In Situ by Neutron Reflectometry, ACS Materials Au  4 (2024) 537.

168. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Electrochemical (PITT, EIS) and Analytical (SIMS) Determination of Li Diffusivities at the Onset of Charging LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 Electrodes, J. Phys. Chem. C 128 (2024) 2408. 

167. C. Kofahl, S. Ganschow, F. Bernhardt, F. El Azzouzi, S. Sanna, H. Fritze, H. Schmidt, Li diffusion in lithium niobate - tantalate solid solutions, Solid States Ionics 409 (2024) 6116514.

166. F. Bernhardt, L. M. Verhoff, N. A. Schäfer, A. Kapp, C. Fink, W. Al Nachwati, U. Bashir, D. Klimm, F. El Azzouzi, U. Yakhnevych, Y. Suhak, H. Schmidt, K.-D. Becker, S. Ganschow, H. Fritze, S. Sanna, Ferroelectric to paraelectric structural transition in LiTaO3 and LiNbO3, Phys. Rev. Mater. 8 (2024) 054406.

165. J. Uhlendorf, H. Schmidt, Oxygen diffusion in β-Ga2O3 single crystals under different oxygen partial pressures at 1375 °C, Z. Naturforsch. B 79 (2024) 225.

164. C. Kofahl, L. Dörrer, H. Wulfmeier, H. Fritze, S. Ganschow, H. Schmidt, HydrogenDiffusion in Li(Nb,Ta)O3 Single CrystalsProbed by Infra-redSpectroscopy and SecondaryIon Mass Spectrometry, Chemistry of Materials 36 (2024), 1639 

163.U. Yakhnevych, F. E. Azzouzi, F. Bernhardt, C. Kofahl and, Y. Suhak, S. Sanna, K. D. Becker, H. Schmidt, S. Ganschow, H. Fritze. Oxygen partial pressure and temperature dependent electrical conductivity of  lithium niobate tantalate solid solutions. Solid States Ionics 407 (2024), 116487.

162. J. Uhlendorf, H. Schmidt, Oxygen and aluminium tracer diffusion in (-201) oriented  ß-Ga2O3 single crystals, Phys. Rev. Mater. 7 (2023) 093402.

161. D. Uxa, E. Hüger, K. Meyer, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Lithium-Ion Diffusion in Near-Stoichiometric Polycrystalline and Monocrystalline LiCoO2, Chem. Mater. 35 (2023) 3307.

160. C. Kofahl, L. Dörrer, H. Fritze, H. Schmidt, Hydrogen diffusion in proton-exchanged congruent Lithium Niobate during post-annealing, Solid State Ionics 403 (2023) 116383.

159. S. Brechelt, H. Wiche, J. Junge, R. Gustus, H. Schmidt V. Wesling, Increase of electrode life in resistance spot welding of aluminum alloys by the combination of surface patterning and thin‑film diffusion barriers,  Weld. World 67 (2023) 2703.

158. C. Kofahl, S. Ganschow, H. Schmidt, Experiments on Hydrogen Uptake and Diffusion in LiNb0.15Ta0.85O3 Single Crystals by Infra-Red Spectroscopy, Defect Diff. Forum 429 (2023) 136.

157. F. Yang, H. Schmidt, E. Hüger, Analysis of the diffusion in a multilayer structure under a constant heating rate: the calculation of activation energy from in-situ neutron reflectometry measurement, ACS Omaga 8 (2023) 27776.

156. E. Hüger, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Activation energy of diffusion determined from a single in-situ neutron reflectometry experiment, Mater. Res. Lett. 11 (2023) 53 .

155. V. Glück Nardi, Th. Greß, B. Tonn, H. Schmidt, W. Volk, Fast reactive interdiffusion between solid brass and liquid aluminium, Results Mater. 20 (2023), 100471.

154. C. Kofahl,  L. Dörrer, B. Muscutt, S. Sanna, S. Hurskyy, U. Yakhnevych, Y. Suhak, H. Fritze, S. Ganschow, H. Schmidt, Li Self-Diffusion and Ion Conductivity in Congruent LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 Single Crystals, Phys. Rev. Mater. 7 (2023) 033403.

153. E. Hüger, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt,In-situ Neutron Reflectometry to Determine Ge Self-Diffusivities and Activation Energy of Diffusion in Amorphous Ge0.8Si0.2, EPJ Web. Conf. 286 (2023) 05002.

152. E. Hüger, L. Riedel, J. Zhu, J. Stahn, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Lithium Niobate for Fast Cycling in Li-ion Batteries: Review
and New Experimental Results, Batteries, Batteries 9 (2023) 244.

151. S. Brechelt, H. Wiche, J. Junge, R. Gustus, H. Schmidt V. Wesling, Erhöhung der Standmenge beim Widerstandspunktschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen durch Elektrodenmodifikation, Teil 2: Schweißtecnische Charkterisierung, Bullet. MAter. Res. Engin. 12 (2023) 315.

150. J. Junge, S. Brechelt, H. Wiche, V. Wesling, H, Schmidt, Erhöhung der Standmenge beim Widerstandspunktschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen durch Elektrodenmodifikation, Teil 1: Diffusionssperrschichten, Bullet. MAter. Res. Engin. 12 (2023) 302.

149. S. Hurskyy, U. Yakhnevych, C. Kofahl, E. Tichy-Racs, H. Schmidt, S. Ganschow, H. Fritze, Y. Suhak, Electrical properties and temperature stability of Li-deficient and near stoichiometric Li(Nb,Ta)O3 solid solutions up to 900 °C, Solid State Ionics 399 (2023) 116285.

148. U. Yakhnevych, C. Kofahl, S. Hueskyy, S. Ganschow, Y. Suhak, H. Schmidt, H. Fritze, Charge transport and acoustic loss in lithium niobate-lithium tantalate solid solutions at temperatures up to 900 °C, Solid States Ionics 392 (2023) 116147.

147. K. Zhang, E. Hüger,Y. Li, H. Schmidt, F. Yang, Review and Stress Analysis on the Lithiation Onset of Amorphous Silicon Films, Batteries 9 (2023) 105.

146. E. Hüger, D. Uxa, F. Yang, H. Schmidt,The  Lithiation Onset of Amorphous Silicon Thin-Film Electrodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 221 (2022), 133901.

145. E. Hüger, C. Jin, H. Schmidt, Electrochemical investigation of ion beam sputter deposited carbon thin films for Li-ion batteries, J. Appl. Electrochem. 52 (2022) 1715.

144. E. Hüger, C. Jin, D. Uxa,  H. Schmidt, C-Rate Capability of Ion-Beam Sputter Deposited Silicon, Carbon and Silicon/Carbon Multilayer Thin Films for Li-Ion Batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc. 169 (2022) 080525.

143. L. Dörrer, R. Heller, H. Schmidt, Tracer Diffusion in Proton-Exchanged Congruent LiNbO3 Crystals as a Function of Hydrogen Content,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 16139.

142. D. Uxa, H. Schmidt, Lithium Tracer Diffusion in Near Stoichiometric LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries, Z. Phys. Chem. 236 (2022) 979. 

141. J. Uhlendorf, Z. Galazka, H. Schmidt, Oxygen diffusion in beta-Ga2O3 single crystals at high temperatures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119 (2021), 242106.

140. D. Uxa, H. J. Holmes, K. Meyer, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Lithium Tracer Diffusion in in Sub-Stoichiometric Lithium-Metal-Oxide Compounds, Diff. Def. Forum 413 (2021).

139. L. Dörrer, P. Tuchel, D. Uxa,  H. Schmidt, Lithium tracer diffusion in proton-exchanged lithium niobate, Solid State Ionics 365 (2021), 115657.

138. L. Dörrer, P. Tuchel, E. Hüger, R. Heller, H. Schmidt, Hydrogen diffusion in proton-exchanged lithium niobate single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 129 (2021), 135105.

137. D. Uxa, H. J. Holmes, K. Meyer, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Lithium tracer diffusion in LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 (2021), 5992.

136. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Fundamental experiments on the measurement of Li diffusion in electrochemically lithiated silicon electrodes for lithium-ion batteries, Tagungsband, 4. Symposium Materialtechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany (2021), 888.

135. D. Uxa, H. J. Holmes, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Synthesis, Powder-Metallurgical Production and Lithium Tracer Diffusion in LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Tagungsband, 4. Symposium Materialtechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany (2021), 904.

134. L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Proton exchange at LiNbO3 surfaces - diffusion investigations, Tagungsband, 4. Symposium Materialtechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany (2021), 874.

133. D. Uxa, E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Li Diffusion in Thin Film LiySi Electrodes: Galvanostatic Intermittent Titration Technique and Tracer Diffusion Experiments, J. Phys. Chem. 124 (2020), 27894.

132. D. Uxa, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Lithium silicon compounds as electrode material for lithium-ion batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc. 167 (2020), 130522.

131. K. Meyer, M. Buchholz, D. Uxa, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, D. M. Schaadt, X-ray diffraction and secondary ion mass spectrometry investigations of GaN films grown on (0 0 1) and (1 1 0) MgF2 substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy PA-MBE), Mat. Sci. Semicon. Proc. 119 (2020),105262.

130. H. Schmidt, B. Jerliu, E. Hüger, J. Stahn, Volume Expansion of Amorphous Silicon Electrodes during Potentiostatic Lithiation of Li-Ion Batteries, Electrochem. Commun. 115 (2020), 106738.

129. F. Strauß, E. Hüger, J. Julin, F. Munnik, H. Schmidt, Lithium Diffusion in Ion-Beam Sputter-Deposited Lithium-Silicon Layers, J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020), 8616.

128. D. Uxa, B. Jerilu, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, M. Horisberger, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, On the Lithiation Mechanism of Amorphous Silicon Electrodes in Li-Ion Batteries, J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019), 22027.

127. E. Hüger, J. Stahn, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Neutron Reflectometry to Measure in-situ the Rate Determining Step of Lithium Ion Transport through Thin Silicon Layers and Interfaces, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21(2019), 16444.

126. F. Strauß, H. Schmidt, Lithium Diffusion in Amorphous LixSi (x ≤ 0.4) Materials, Defect Diff. Forum 391 (2019), 88.

125. F. Strauß, H. Schmidt, Diffusion in amorphen LixSi-Dünnschichten als Elektrodenmaterial für Liithium-Ionen-Akkumulatoren: Einfluss des Sauerstoffgehalts, Bulletin Mater. Res. Engin. 7 (2019), 207.

124. B. Jerliu, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, In-Operando Neutron Reflectometry Studies on Lithium Insertion into Silicon Electrodes of Li-Ion Batteries, Bulletin Mater. Res. Engin. 7 (2019), 217.

123. E. Hüger, F. Strauß, J. Stahn, J. Deubener, M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, In-situ Measurement of Self-Atom Diffusion in Solids Using Amorphous Germanium as a Model System, Scientific Reports 8 (2018), 17607.

122. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Li Permeability Increase in Nano-Sized Amorphous Silicon Layers, J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018), 28528.

121. B. Jerliu, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, B.-K.Seidlhofer, R. Steitz, M. Horisberger, H. Schmidt, Lithium Insertion into Silicon Electrodes Studied by Cyclic Voltammetry and Operando Neutron Reflectometry, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018), 23480.

120. E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Permeation, solubility, diffusion and segregation of lithium in amorphous silicon layers, Chem. Mater. 30 (2018), 3254.

119. F. Strauß, L. Dörrer, M.Bruns, H. Schmidt, Lithium Tracer Diffusion in Amorphous LixSi for Low Li Concentrations, J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018), 6508.

118. B. Jerliu, E. Hüger, M. Horisberger, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Irreversible lithium storage during lithiation of amorphous silicon thin film electrodes studied by in-situ neutron reflectometry, J. Power Sources 359 (2017), 415.

117. M. Islam, J. Uhlendorf, E. Witt, H. Schmidt, P. Heitjans, T. Bredow, Lithium Diffusion Mechanisms in β-LiMO2(M = Al, Ga): A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017), 27788.

116. J. Uhlendorf, B. Ruprecht, E. Witt, C. Vinod Chandran , L. Dörrer, E. Hüger, F. Strauß, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Slow Lithium Transport in Metal Oxides on the Nanoscale, Z. Phys. Chem. 231 (2017), 1423.

115. B. Jerliu, l. Dörrer, E. Hüger, B.-K.Seidlhofer, R. Steitz, G. Borchardt, H. Schmidt, Electrochemical lithiation of silicon electrodes: neutron reflectometry and secondary ion mass spectrometry investigations, Int. J. Mater. Res. 108 (2017), 999.

114. F. Strauß, E. Hüger, P. Heitjans, T. Geue, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Li Permeation through Thin Lithium-Silicon Films for Battery Applications Investigated by Neutron Reflectometry, Energy Technol. 4 (2017), 1582.

113. W. Gruber, C. Baehtz, T. Geue, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Isothermal differential dilatometry based on X-ray analysis applied to stress relaxation in thin ion beam sputtered Pt films, J. Mater. Sci. 52 (2017), 1647.

112. B. Jerliu, E. Hüger, G. Borchardt, H. Schmidt, Silizium als hochkapazitives Elektrodenmaterial für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien: Volumenausdehnung und Lithium-Verteilung, Bulletin Mater. Res. Engin. 4 (2017), 325.

111. B.-K. Seidlhofer, B. Jerliu, M. Trapp, E. Hüger, S. Risse, R. Cubitt, H. Schmidt, R. Steitz, M. Ballauff, Lithiation of Crystalline Silicon As Analyzed by Operando Neutron Reflectivity, ACS Nano 10 (2016), 7458

110. F. Strauß, L. Dörrer, T. Geue, J. Stahn, A. Koutsioubas, S. Mattauch, H. Schmidt, Self-diffusion in amorphous silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016), 025901.

109. H. Schmidt, Li Diffusion in Lithium Containing Metal Oxides Investigated by Tracer Methods, Diffusion Foundations (2016), 109.

108. F. Strauß, B. Jerliu, T. Geue, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Short Range Atomic Migration in Amorphous Silicon, J. Appl. Phys. 119 (2016), 175102

107. D. Wiedemann, S. Nakhal, J. Rahn, E. Witt, M. M. Islam, S. Zander, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, T. Bredow, M. Wilkening, M. Lerch, Unravelling Ultraslow Lithium-Ion Diffusion in γ-LiAlO2: Experiments with Tracers, Neutrons, and Charge Carriers, Chem. Mater. 28 (2016), 915.

106. W. Gruber, C. Baehtz, M. Horisberger, I. Ratschinski, H. Schmidt, Micro structure and strain relaxation in thin nanocrystalline platinum films produced via different sputtering techniques, Appl. Surf. Sci. 368 (2016), 341.

105. E. Hüger, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt, Neutron reflectometry to measure in-situ Li permeation through ultrathin silicon layers and interfaces, J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 (2015), A7104.

104. J. Rahn, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Li Self-Diffusivities in Lithium Niobate Single Crystals as a Function of Li2O Content, J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (2015), 15557.

103. F. Strauß, E. Hüger, P. Heitjans, V. Trouillet, M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, Li-Si Thin Films for Battery Applications produced by Ion-Beam Co-Sputtering, RSC Advances 5 (2015), 7192 .

102. J. Rahn, E. Witt, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Lithium Diffusion in Ion-Beam Sputtered Amorphous LiAlO2, Z. Phys. Chem. 229 (2015), 1341.

101. E. Hüger, B. Jerliu, L. Dörrer, M. Bruns, G. Borchardt, H. Schmidt, A Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Study on the Mechanisms of Amorphous Silicon Electrode Lithiation in Li-Ion Batteries, Z. Phys. Chem. 229 (2015), 1375.

100. F. Strauß, T. Geue, J. Stahn, H. Schmidt , Neutron Reflectometry for the Investigation of Self-Diffusion in Amorphous Silicon, Defect Diffus. Forum 363 (2015), 225.

99. E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, J. Stahn, T. Geue, H. Schmidt, Lithium Transport through Thin Silicon Layers: On the Origin of Bragg Peaks in Neutron Reflectometry Experiments, Defect Diffus. Forum 363 (2015), 49.

98. J. Rahn, B. Ruprecht, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Lithium Diffusion in Li-rich and Li-poor Amorphous Lithium Niobate, Defect Diffus. Forum 363 (2015), 62.

97. W. Gruber, J. Rahn, F. Strauss, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, SIMS Study on Self-Diffusion of Pt in Thin Nano-Crystalline Films, Defect Diffus. Forum 363 (2015), 219.

96. B. Jerliu, L. Dörrer, E. Hüger, B.-K. Seidlhofer, R. Steitz, U. Geckle, V. Oberst, M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, Volume Expansion during Lithiation of Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Electrodes Studied by In-Operando Neutron Reflectometry, J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014), 9395.

95. W. Gruber, J. Rahn, C. Baehtz, M. Horisberger, U. Geckle, H. Schmidt, Influence of a Passivation Layer on Strain Relaxation and Lattice Disorder in Thin Nano-Crystalline Pt Films during In-situ Annealing, Thin Solid Films 565 (2014), 79.

94. J. Rahn, T. Geue, J. Stahn, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt , Lithium Diffusion in Congruent LiNbO3 Single Crystals at Low Temperatures Probed by Neutron Reflectometry, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014), 8670.

93. R. Gustus, W. Gruber, L. Wegewitz, U. Geckle, R. Prang, C. Kübel, H. Schmidt, W. Maus-Friedrichs, Decomposition of amorphous Si2C by thermal annealing, Thin Solid Films 552 (2014), 232.

92. H. Bracht, R. Kube, E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, Properties of point defects in silicon: new results after a long-time debate, Sol. St. Phen. 205-206 (2014), 151.

91. A. Newirkowez, B. Cappi, R. Telle, H. Schmidt, Microstructural Evolution of (Ti,W,Cr)B2 Coatings Deposited on Steel Substrates during Annealing, Coatings 4 (2014), 329.

90. R. Kube, H. Bracht, E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, J. L. Hansen, A. N. Larsen, J. W. Ager III, E. E. Haller, T. Geue, J. Stahn, M. Uematsu, K. M. Itoh, Reply to " Comment on 'Contributions of vacancies and self-interstitials to self-diffusion in silicon under thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions'", Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014), 117202.

89. E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, J. Rahn, T. Panzner, J. Stahn, G. Lilienkamp, H. Schmidt, Lithium Transport through Nanosized Amorphous Silicon Layers, Nano Lett. 13 (2013), 1237.

88. R. Kube, H. Bracht, E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, J. L. Hansen, A. N. Larsen, J. W. Ager III, E. E. Haller, T. Geue, J. Stahn, Contributions of vacancies and self-interstitials to self-diffusion in silicon under thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013), 085206.

87. B. Jerliu, L. Dörrer, E. Hüger, G. Borchardt, R. Steitz, U. Geckle, V. Oberst, M. Bruns, O. Schneider, H. Schmidt, Neutron Reflectometry Studies on the Lithiation of Amorphous Silicon Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013), 7777.

86. U. Bauer, A.-M. Welsch, H. Behrens, J. Rahn, H. Schmidt, I. Horn, Li Diffusion and the Effect of Local Structure on Li Mobility in Li2O–SiO2 Glasses, J. Phys. Chem. B 117 (2013), 15184.

85. J. Rahn, L. Dörrer, B. Ruprecht, P, Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Li Diffusion in (110) Oriented LiNbO3 Single Crystals, Defect Diffus. Forum 333 (2013), 33.

84. E. Hüger, J. Rahn, J. Stahn, T. Geue, H. Schmidt, Diffusivity determination in bulk materials on nanometric length scales, Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012), 214102.

83. J. Rahn, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, B. Ruprecht, P, Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Li Self-Diffusion in Lithium Niobate Single Crystals at Low Temperatures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (2012), 2427.

82. E. Hüger, R. Kube, H. Bracht, J. Stahn, T. Geue, H. Schmidt, A neutron reflectometry study on silicon self-diffusion at 900 °C, Phys. Status Solidi B 11 (2012), 2108.

81. H. Schmidt, S. Chakravarty, M. Jiang, E. Hüger, P. K. Parida, T. Geue, J. Stahn, U. Tietze, D. Lott,
Grain Boundary Self-diffusion in Fe Films with a Stable Nanostructure, J. Mater. Sci. 47 (2012), 4087.

80. J. Rahn, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, B. Ruprecht, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, Self-Diffusion of Lithium in Amorphous Lithium Niobate Layers, Z. Phys. Chem. 226 (2012), 439.

79. B. Ruprecht, J. Rahn, H. Schmidt, P. Heitjans, Low-temperature dc conductivity of LiNbO3 single crystals, Z. Phys. Chem. 226 (2012), 431.

78. N. I. Schwarzburger, R. Knobel, H. Behrens, M. Binnewies, I. Horn, A. Pelster, H. F. Arlinghaus, L. Dörrer, H. Schmidt, Kinetics of Lithium Intercalation in Ttanium Disulfide Single Crystals, Z. Phys. Chem. 226 (2012), 461.

77. R. Gustus, W. Gruber, L.Wegewitz, H.Schmidt, W. Maus-Friedrichs, Thermal stability of magnetron sputtered amorphous Si2C, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (2012), 5567.

76. A. Newirkowez, B. Cappi, R. Telle, H. Schmidt, (Ti,W,Cr)B2 Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012), 1775.

75. E. Hüger, D. Gao , A. Markwitz, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, Room Temperature Oxidation of Magnetron Sputtered Si-C-N Films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (2012), 2944.

74. J. Rahn, E. Hüger, L. Dörrer, B. Ruprecht, P. Heitjans, H. Schmidt, A SIMS Study on Li Diffusion in Single Crystalline and Amorphous LiNbO3, Defect Diffus. Forum 323-325 (2012), 69.

73. W. Gruber, S. Chakravarty, C. Baehtz, H. Schmidt, Structural Re-Organization Kinetics of Nano-Crystalline Pt Films During In-situ Annealing, Defect Diffus. Forum 323-325 (2012), 149

72. W. Gruber, S. Chakravarty, C. Baehtz, W. Leitenberger, M. Bruns, A. Kobler, C. Kübel, H. Schmidt, Strain relaxation and vacancy creation in thin platinum films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011), 265501.

71. S. Chakravarty, M. Jiang , H. Schmidt, U. Tietze, D. Lott, T. Geue, J. Stahn, Migration and Annihilation of Non-equilibrium Point Defects in Sputter Deposited Nano-crystalline alpha-Fe Films, Acta Mater. 59 (2011), 5568.

70. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, T. Geue, J. Stahn, U. Tietze, D. Lott, A. Markwitz, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, Nitrogen Self-Diffusion in Magnetron Sputtered Si-C-N Films, J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011), 093522.

69. H. Schmidt, Diffusion Studies in the Type-B Kinetics Regime using Neutron Reflectometry and Isotope Multilayers, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011), 105303.

68. W. Gruber, H. Hadjiamini Najafabadi, U. Geckle. M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, Crystallization of Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Si1-xCx Films(x = 1/3) Studied by Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffractometry, Philos. Mag.90 (2010), 3855.

67. H. Schmidt, W. Gruber, Crystallization Kinetics of Amorphous Si-C-N Ceramics: Dependence on Nitrogen Partial Pressure, Philos. Mag. 90 (2010), 1485.

66. V. Phatak, A. Gupta, V. R. Reddy, S. Chakravarty, H. Schmidt, R. Rueffer, Effect of N addition onL10 transformation and atomic diffusion in FePt films, Acta Mater. 58 (2010), 979.

65. S. Chakravarty, U. Tietze, D. Lott, M. Horisberger, J. Stahn, N. P. Lalla, H. Schmidt, Self-diffusion in Magnetron-Sputtered Nanocrystalline Fe Films, J. Nano Res. 11 (2010), 13.

64. B. Gligorijevic, H. Schmidt, N. Radovic, M. Davidovic, M. Kutin, A. Janicijevic, Short-circuit Diffusion Behaviour in Thermally Grown Silica Layers, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 25 (2010), 682.

63. H. Schmidt, E. Hüger, T. Geue, J. Stahn, U. Tietze, D. Lott, Neutron Reflectometry - A Tool to Study Self-Diffusion on the (Sub-)Nanometer Scale in Metastable Materials (extended abstract), Diffusion Fundamentals 12 (2010), 15.

62. E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, J. Stahn, B. Braunschweig, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, Atomic Transport in Metastable Compounds: A Case Study on Si-C-N, Phys. Rev. B. 80 (2009), R220101.

61. S. Chakravarty, E. Hüger, H. Schmidt, J. Stahn, M. Horisberger, N. P. Lalla, Self-diffusivities in Ultra-Fine Grained Metals Using Neutron Reflectometry, Scripta Mater. 61 (2009), 1117.

60. S. Chakravarty, U. Tietze, D. Lott, N. P. Lalla, A. Gupta, H. Schmidt, Self-diffusion and Defect Annihilation in Nanocrystalline Fe Films probed by Neutron Reflectometry, Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009),014111.

59. W. Gruber, O. Starykov, H. Schmidt, Nanodomain Growth in Amorphous Si-C-N, Phys. Status Solidi - RRL 3 (2009), 85.

58. H. Schmidt, E. Hüger, S. Chakravarty, T. Gutberlet, J.Stahn, U. Tietze, D. Lott, Neutron Reflectometry - A Tool to Investigate Diffusion on the Nanoscale Adv. Engin. Mater. 11 (2009), 446.

57. W. Gruber, U. Geckle. M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, Si Diffusion in Magnetron Sputtered Silicon Carbide Films Deposited on Silicon and Carbon Substrates Thin Solid Films,518 (2009), 396.

56. E. Hüger, J. Stahn, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, H. Schmidt, Self-Diffusion in Isotope Heterostructures Investigated by Neutron Reflectometry, Diff. Def. Forum289-292 (2009), 697.

55. H. Schmidt, E. Hüger, S. Chakravarty, U. Tietze, D. Lott, J. Stahn, T. Gutberlet, Self-Diffusion Studies in Solids Using Neutron Reflectometry, Swiss Neutron News 35 (2009), 10.

54. E. Hüger, U. Tietze, D. Lott, H. Bracht, E. E. Haller, D. Bougeard, H. Schmidt, Self-diffusion in Germanium Isotope Multilayers at Low Temperatures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008), 162104.

53. H. Schmidt, M. Gupta, J. Stahn, T. Gutberlet, M. Bruns, How to Measure Self-Diffusivities in the Sub-Nanomter Range, Acta Mater. 56 (2008), 464.

52. G. Borchardt, K. Gömann, M. Kilo, H. Schmidt, Diffusion in Ceramics, in: Ceramic Science and Technology Vol. 1, edited by R. Riedel, I. W. Chen (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008), 105.

51. S. Bartels, W. Gruber, B. Cappi, R. Telle, H. Schmidt, Precipitation of W2B5 and beta-WB from Ti0.3W0.4Cr0.3B2 Solid Solutions, Mater. Lett. 62 (2008), 2836.

50. W. Gruber, O. Starykov, W. Oppermann,H. Schmidt, Growth of Amorphous Domains in Precursor-Derived Si-C-N Ceramics Studied by Small Angle X-ray Scattering, Diff. Fund. 8 (2008), 10-1.

49. S. Chakravarty, M. Gupta, H. Schmidt, A. Gupta, Effect of Compressive Stress on Fe Self-Diffusion in Nanocrystalline FeN(Zr) Thin Films, Diff. Fund. 8 (2008), 9-1.

48. H. Schmidt, W. Gruber, T. Gutberlet, M. Ay, J. Stahn, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, Structural Relaxation and Self-Diffusion in Covalent Amorphous Solids: Silicon Nitride as a Model System, J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007), 043516.

47. W. Gruber, G. Borchardt, H. Schmidt, Atomic motion and diffusion mechanism of hydrogen in amorphous ceramics of the system Si-B-C-N, Diff. Def. Forum 263 (2007), 63.

46. W. Gruber, G. Borchardt, H. Schmidt, Trap-limited diffusion of hydrogen in precursor-derived amorphous Si-B-C-N ceramics, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 353 (2007), 4121.

45. H. Schmidt, Self-difusion of Ion-implanted Tracers, Physica B 387 (2007), 323.

44. H. Schmidt,G. Borchardt, O. Kaïtasov, B. Lesage, Atomic diffusion of boron and other constituents in amorphous Si-B-C-N, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 353 (2007), 4801.

43. H. Schmidt, M. Gupta,U. Geckle, M. Bruns, Self-diffusion in covalent amorphous solids- a comparative study using neutron reflectometry and SIMS, Diff. Def. Forum 263 (2007), 51.

42. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt,Weber, H. Scherrer, Diffusion in Transition Metal Diborides - An overview, Diff. Def. Forum 263 (2007), 219.

41. B. Gligorijević, H. Schmidt, 18-O -16-O Isotope Exchange Experiments on Polymer-Derived Si-C-NCeramics, Proc. 10th Int. ECerS Conference, edited by J. G. Heinrich, C. Aneziris,(Göller,Baden-Baden, (2007), 186.

40. H. Schmidt, M. Gupta, M. Bruns, Nitrogen diffusion in amorphous silicon nitride isotope multilayers proped by neutron reflectometry, Phys. Rev. Lett.96 (2006), 055901.

39. H. Schmidt, Si-B-C-N Ceramics derived from Preceramic Polymers: Stability and Nano Composite Formation, Soft Materials 4 (2006), 143.

38. H. Schmidt, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, Simultaneous Diffusion of Si and N in Silicon Nitride, Phys. Rev. B. 74 (2006), 045203.

37. A. Rumpel, B. Manschwetus, G. Lilienkamp, H. Schmidt, W. Daum, Polarity of space charge fields in second-harmonic generation spectra of Si(100)/SiO2 interfaces, Phys. Rev. B. 74 (2006), 081303.

36. H. Schmidt, E. R. Fotsing, G. Borchardt, C. Schmalzried, R. Telle, Kinetics of precipitate formation in TixWyCrzBsolid solutions: influence of Cr concentration     and Co impurities, Int. J. Mat. Res. 97 (2006), 821.

35. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, U. Geckle, M. Bruns, H. Baumann, Comparative Study of Trap-Limited Hydrogen Diffusion in Amorphous SiC, Si0.66C0.33N1.33, and SiN1.33Films, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 18 (2006), 5363.

34. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, C. Schmalzried, R. Telle, H. Baumann, S. Weber, H. Scherrer, Self-diffusion of transition metals in (TiWCr)Bsolid solutions,      J. Mater. Sci. 41 (2006), 4233.

33. E. R. Fotsing, H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, C. Schmalzried, R. Telle, Precipitation kinetics of W2Bin (Ti0.4W0.5Cr0.15)Bsolid solutions, Phil. Mag. 85 (2005), 4409.

32. H. Schmidt, E. R. Fotsing, G. Borchardt, R. Chassagnon, S. Chevalier, M. Bruns, Crystallization Kinetics of Amorphous SiC Films: Influence of Substrate,
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31. H. Schmidt, Diffusion Controlled Processes in Amorphous Si-C-N and Related Materials, habilitation thesis (TU Clausthal, 2005).

30. H. Schmidt, Fundamentals of Self-Diffusion in Amorphous Si-B-C-N, Diffusion Fundamentals 2 (2005), 60.

29. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, SiC/Si3NNano-composites: Crystallization Kinetics of Precursor-derived Amorphous Ceramic Solids of Type Si-C-N, Adv. Eng. Mater. 7 (2005), 221.

28. H. Schmidt, W. Gruber, G. Borchardt, P. Gerstel, A. Müller, N. Bunjes, Coarsening of nano-crystalline SiC in amorphous Si-B-C-N, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 25 (2005), 227.

27. W. Gruber, G. Borchardt, H. Schmidt, M. Rudolphi, H. Baumann, P. Gerstel, A. Müller, Hydrogen diffusivities in amorphous Si3BC4.3Si2, Def. Diff. Forum 237- 240 (2005), 414.

26. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, M. Rudolphi, H. Baumann, M. Bruns, S. Weber, H. Scherrer, Nitrogen self-diffusion in polycrystalline Si3Nfilms: isotope heterostructures vs. gas-exchange, Def. Diff. Forum 237- 240 (2005), 512.

25. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, Migration of ion implanted hydrogen in amorphous and polycrystalline Si3N4:H films: experiments and numerical simulations, Def. Diff. Forum 237- 240 (2005), 566.

24. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, M. Rudolphi, H. Baumann, M. Bruns, Nitrogen self-diffusion in silicon nitride thin films probed with isotope heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 (2004), 582.

23. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt,A. Müller, J. Bill, Formation kinetics of crystalline Si3N4/SiC composites from amorphous Si-C-N ceramics,  J. Non.-Cryst. Solids 341 (2004), 133.

22. H. Schmidt, W. Gruber, G. Borchardt, M. Bruns, M. Rudolphi, H. Baumann, The diffusion of ion implanted hydrogen in amorphous Si3N4:H films, J. Phys.: Condens. Mat. 16 (2004), 4233.

21. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, W. Gruber, M. Bruns, M. Rudolphi, H. Baumann, Thermal stability and crystallization kinetics of sputtered amorphous Si3N4 films, Thinn Solid Films 450 (2004), 346.

20. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, C. Schmalzried, R. Telle, S. Weber, H. Scherrer,  Self-diffusion of boron in TiB2, J. Appl. Phys. 93 (2003), 907.

19. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, C. Schmalzried, R. Telle, H. Baumann, S. Weber, H. Scherrer, Material Transport in (Ti0.3Cr0.2 W 0.5 )B2 Ceramics: Simultaneous Diffusion of  Ion Implanted 49 Ti and 54Cr, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 23 (2003), 991.

18. H. Schmidt, P. Fielitz, G. Borchardt, S. Weber, S. Scherrer, H. Baumann, Diffusion Studies in Non-Oxide Ceramics: Analytical Aspects of the Use of Ion Implanted Stable Tracers and SIMS, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 374 (2002), 588.

17. H. Schmidt, W. Gruber, G. Borchardt, H. Baumann, A. Müller, J. Bill, Diffusion of ion implanted hydrogen in amorphous Si-(B)-C-N ceramics, Proceedings of the VIII. Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials, Brno 2002, edited by J. Cermak, J. Vrest’al (Masaryk University, Brno, 2002), 131.

16. H.Schmidt, G. Borchardt, S. Weber, S. Scherrer, H. Baumann, A. Müller, J. Bill, Comparison of Si Self-Diffusion in Amorphous Si-B-C-N and Si-C-N Ceramics, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 298 (2002), 232.

15. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, H. Baumann, S. Weber, S. Scherrer, A. Müller, J. Bill, Tracer Self-Diffusion Studies in Amorphous Si-(B)-C-N Ceramics, Def. Diff. For. 194-199 (2001), 941.

14. H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, S. Weber, S. Scherrer, H. Baumann, A. Müller, J. Bill, Self-Diffusion Studies of 15N in Amorphous Si3BC4.3N2 Ceramics with Ion Implantation and SIMS, J. Appl. Phys. 88 (2000), 1827.

13. T. A. Wagner, A. Dertinger, W. Ettig, A. Krause, H. Schmidt, H. F. Braun, The effect of thermal treatment on superconductivity in HoNi 2B2C, Physica C 323, (1999), 71.

12. H. Schmidt, H.F. Braun, Dependence of superconductivity and magnetism on material parameters in quaternary borocarbides, in: Studies of High Temperature Superconductors, Vol. 26, (Nova Science Publishers, New York, 1998, ed. by A.V. Narlikar), 47.

11. H. Schmidt, Wechselwirkung von Supraleitung und Magnetimus in quaternären Borocarbid-Verbindungen, Dissertation, Universität Bayreuth (1997).

10. H.Schmidt, A. Dertinger, B.Ernstberger, H.F. Braun, Influence of thermal treatment on phase properties of HoNi 2 B2C, J.Alloys. Comp. 262-263 (1997), 459.

9.  H.Schmidt, H.F. Braun, Superconductivity, magnetism and their coexistence in R(Ni 1-x Cox)2B2C (R = Lu,Tm, Er, Ho and Dy), Phys.Rev. B 55 (1997), 8497.

8.  M.Müller, H. Schmidt, H.F.Braun, Isothermal section at 800 °C of the ternary system Tm-Fe-Si, J. Alloys Comp., 257 (1997), 205

7.  H.Schmidt, M.Müller, H.F.Braun, Influence of phase composition on the re-entrant superconducting properties of Tm2Fe3Si5, Phys.Rev. B 53 (1996), 12389.

6.  H.Schmidt, H.F. Braun, Superconductivity and magnetism in the system R(Ni 1-x Cox)2B2C (R = Lu,Tm, Er, Ho and Dy), Czech.J. Phys.46 (1996), 827.

5.  H.Schmidt, M. Weber, H.F. Braun, Composition dependent magnetoresistivity studies on HoNi 2B2C, Physica C 256 (1996), 393.

4.  H.Schmidt, M.Weber, H.F. Braun, Occurrence and composition dependence of superconductivity and magnetism in HoNi2B2C, Physica C 246 (1995), 177.

3.  H. Schmidt, M. Müller, H.F. Braun, Superconductivity in the pseudoquaternary system Y(Ni 1-x Cox)2B2C, Physica C 235-240 (1994), 779.

2.  H. Schmidt, H.F.Braun, Effect of pressure on superconductivity in the quaternary compounds RNi2B2C (R = Lu, Y, Tm, Er, Ho), Physica C 229 (1994), 315

1.  H.Schmidt, Abhängigkeit der Supraleitung von der Phasenzusammensetzung in Tm2Fe3Si5 und Phasendiagramm des Systems Tm-Fe-Si, Diplomarbeit, Universität Bayreuth (1993).